In his tenure at Indiana University, Mike has inspired community leaders to launch a local food co-op, create green roofs, transform city convention space into an edible herb garden, turn unused city buildings into art galleries, and initiate local TED talks. Talk about impact! For us at GBG, Mike has been a terrific collaborator, mentor, and friend.
As he moves to new challenges, Mike's raising scholarship funds for under-resourced sustainability students studying for their bachelor's at IU. Between his own fundraising and a contribution from the University, he's already raised $50,000.
But he doesn't want to stop there. Mike’s leaving a "lasting impression" by getting himself tattooed to raise even more funds to provide scholarships for deserving students.
He's challenging the local community and folks everywhere to take part in his Tattooing for Sustainability campaign. It’s crowdfunding with a twist. For a donation of $10-$25, people can vote for which body part Mike should tattoo, and whether the logo tattooed is for Indiana University or the City of South Bend.
And the new scholarship fund Mike and IU are creating has tremendous potential to be transformative. “In order for us to solve the problems of the future we need to get everyone involved," said Mike. “Statistically, minorities are more likely to live in polluted environments, and face chronic health issues at disproportionate rates. However, many people don’t make the connections between civil rights, environmental sustainability, and urban design. We are looking to change that perception and engage underrepresented students in IU South Bend’s Sustainability Studies program.”
Mike's celebrating his "Second Life" on June 23 here in South Bend and along with so many other community partners we are delighted to share his legacy of service and his generous, unique approach to raising funds to benefit the entire community.
More on Mike's campaign can be found here:
We’re working hard to spread the word of the impact one person can have on their community...and Mike's unique way to invite others to help. Please join us!