Through her work, Amanda has learned a host of gardening and growing skills. She’s worked to grow crops both inside our aquaponic greenhouse and in other settings where we're growing, like the downtown Skywalk and the Hannah and Friends garden areas. She’s planted, transplanted, and repotted our herb starts, and has dug right in to mulch and tend the rows and rows of potatoes, beans, and melons outdoors. Amanda’s curiosity and pleasure in working here has helped keep things on task and made each day a joy.
What does she enjoy most about her work with Green Bridge Growers? “I really like that so much here is repurposed, or reused,” she said. Since sustainability is an important part of how we ourselves work, we are always looking for ways to make further use of equipment and materials. It’s fantastic Amanda observes that ethic applied through our work on a daily basis.
Like sustainability, aquaponics is based on a cyclical system, where water is conserved and re-used. That comparison was very important to Amanda, who finds aquaponics a great way to grow vegetables productively and practice conservation.
We love that Amanda has so many shared interests with our venture. It has been a great experience having her do her internship practicum with us for the past month. Green Bridge Growers is excited to see where this very bright young woman travels from here with all her gifts and interests! We’re very grateful for Amanda's diligence, her great follow-through, her marvelous way with the residents and participants at Hannah and Friends, and her terrific love for organic growing. Interns like Amanda really do sustain the future and make a real difference!