In the meantime, we’ve been busy building on the great success of our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo that ended right before the holidays. The way our supporters rallied so generously is nothing short of a modern-day barnraising. And in this age of amazing connectivity, those who rallied to help came from as close as our local community of South Bend to as far away as Ireland and China. What hope that gives us as we continue to develop our mission of growing delicious, local food while creating skill-matched jobs for those with autism!
Even though the winter has been long and cold, we’ve been in constant motion. Our method of growing, aquaponics, allows us to farm throughout the year – and farming is very much a year-round job in any case! We've kept planting and growing through the whole winter, testing new varieties of vegetables and researching new growing methods. Mint, chives, bok choy, and swiss chard are all flourishing in the pleasantly warm surroundings inside our prototype greenhouse.
We're delighted to share that we're now in the process of researching and investigating sites where we’ll build our first commercial aquaponics greenhouse. We have a great team exploring options for us – our Chamber of Commerce, commercial realtors, and city government officials. As we spring forward into a new season and a new phase for our venture, we’re excited to share even more updates of all that’s growing at Green Bridge Growers – our plants, our people, and our next-stage greenhouse!