"FISH" and "PLANTS" you might say!! And of course you'd be right! But first, we at Green Bridge Growers are working through a process called "Fishless Cycling." What on earth is that?
In aquaponics, you need to establish high enough nitrite levels for the "good" bacteria to eat from - and then nitrates are established in the system, which act as a natural fertilizer for our plants. Aquaponic farmers have the choice of creating those nitrates from the fish themselves, or building up the nitrite and nitrate levels "fishlessly" through carefully monitored introduction of ammonia to the system. "We're testing pH, ammonia, and nitrite levels every day now," said Chris. "This is a great method to use because it doesn't stress out the fish! Otherwise, fish have quite an adjustment to make coming right into a system where the pH and other factors aren't balanced."